Fragile commercial or industrial roof repairs

Providing services in Carlisle, Cumbria

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0800 924 7663


Practical Roof Solutions can provide a safe solution to the repair of your commercial or industrial fragile roof.

We consider the following industrial or commercial roof systems as fragile:-
  • Old roof lights (sometimes painted)
  • Non-reinforced fibre cement sheets
  • Asbestos cement sheets
  • Corroded metal sheets
  • Glass (including wired glass)
  • Slates and tiles in poor condition
  • Any roof that's not strong enough to support a person’s weight.
Using our own in-house high access equipment, we are uniquely positioned to perform sensitive repairs without the need to rely on the fragile roof structure and thus providing a more cost effective and safer repair.

We are pleased to offer you with a free quotation or appraisal for your fragile roof repairs in Carlisle, Cumbria by clicking the button shown or by giving us a call on 0800 924 7663
If you would like any more information regarding you fragile roof repair issues, please do get in contact with us.
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