Providing services in Carlisle, Cumbria

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Many buildings require a source of natural light and therefore have roof-lights incorporated into the roof.  Roof lights can be of various materials and design such as northlight glazing, domes and GRP translucent sheets.

Practical Roofing can replace rooflights and can also retrospectively install roof lights into the existing roofing of your building.
If you have an important area of your workspace that may benefit from natural daylight, why no consider inserting a rooflight.
We are pleased to offer you with a free quotation or appraisal for your rooflight repairs in Carlisle, Cumbria by clicking the button shown or by giving us a call on 0800 924 7663
GRP Rooflights come in many different shapes and forms to suit most requirements eg;

  • Factory Assembled Insulated Rooflights – with a minimal insulating value in line with current building regulations
  • Double Skin Site Assembled Rooflights
  • Chemical resistant Rooflights – which can be adapted for extremely aggressive environments
  • Rooflights for the Horticultural Industry – with sheets that transmit diffused light to reduce glare, shadows and hotspots, to provide ideal growing conditions. They are ideal for greenhouses and tunnels, garden centres, cloches and cold frames.

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